We offer beautiful, high-quality landscaping mulch for all of your landscaping projects.
Whether you are doing landscaping for your own residential property or for a commercial property, you want to make the property look as beautiful and well-put-together as possible. When the landscaping on a property is planned out and neatly organized, it really makes the property look wonderful. Whether you have large flower beds, beautiful bushes, or nice tall trees, you are going to need some landscape mulch to lay down in these areas. This mulch not only has a function, but it looks beautiful and can add so much interest to the landscaping without distracting from the natural beauty of trees, plants, and flowers. Mulch is the perfect backdrop to let the plants and flowers really shine. Mulch comes in different colors as well, like red, black, and brown, so it will also add a colorful aspect to your landscaping.
Not only is landscape mulch beautiful, but it is functional as well. Mulch can be used in flower beds, around trees and bushes, and any place you want to look nice and tidy. Mulch ties everything together and makes the property look well-cared-for. But what is really great about mulch is its function. It keeps away the weeds. When you lay mulch down, it acts as a weed barrier and prevents many weeds from growing. Mulch can save you from weeding for hours and hours because the weeds simply do not grow as much as they do if you did not have mulch.
If you are in the Lexington, North Carolina area and are looking for quality landscape mulch for your landscaping project, we can help you out. At Todco, we offer quality mulch that we grind down and process ourselves using recycled materials. We have different types of mulch like pine and cedar, and we offer color-enhanced mulch as well. We are confident we can help you find the perfect mulch for your property.